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Sessions tailored to meet the needs and abilities of all individuals or groups of learners.

All equipment, insurance etc. provided.

Delivered on school premises or at Weston Park.

Opportunity to discuss provision beforehand.

Fully qualified and experienced instructors.

All electric bikes, means no disruption.


Most people think that because there is an engine, you don't need to be fit for motocross. WRONG! Motocross is one of the world's most physically demanding sports. We can prove it!


With so many distractions, our culture makes eating healthily difficult. We can provide an engaging platform to educate children about nutrition and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Practical skills

Motocross isn't just about riding a bike. There is so much in the background that you can learn from or even be inspired by.


Motocross is really hard! Learning how to focus is a crucial skill we teach.

The great outdoors

Turn off the Playstation, get off the sofa and do something cool outside! See what our countryside has to offer and learn how to look after it.


We create a safe and friendly environment to teach children how to do something that's really hard! The outcome is confidence, not just in riding but in social environments.

"I truly believe this sport can benefit every pupil, Boys or Girls. It helps with social skills, confidence, fitness and provides a source of focus to academic subjects. It literally has it all!"

Emma Johnson-Pickering (10 years experienced Primary School Teacher and Begin off road coach)

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